Thursday 28 July 2016

Proven tips to Fight High Blood Pressure/ hypertension

Here is Quick tips shared by  on High Blood Pressure / hypertension.
 You can easily follow these tips to manage your High Blood Pressure problems.

For High blood pressure Symptoms refer below link :

 Symptoms of high blood Pressure

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Monday 25 July 2016

Identify Symptoms of High Blood Pressure to prevent Second Heart stroke

Symptomsof high blood pressure are difficult to identify: keep blood pressure under control instead to reduce the second stroke risk .

Identify Symptoms of High Blood Pressure to prevent heart stroke
Identify Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

If you had a stroke earlier and want to prevent the second one, it is your prime aim to control the high blood pressure. It is true that common symptoms of high blood pressure such as breathlessness, blurred vision and fatigue can be overlooked in the day to day life, hence efforts shall be made to keep blood pressure under control to avoid stroke again.
A study published in a health magazine Stroke stated that only 33% of the first stroke survivor could actually able to bring blood pressure under control. However the important reason to bring blood pressure under is – the risk of next stroke can be reduced by more than 50%.
In the study, researchers from California University observed that taking high doses of Vitamin B12, B6 and other B group to control homocysteine levels to prevent stroke would not yield much result of you cannot reduce blood pressure.
During the 24 months research the patients checked the blood pressure multiple ties as suggested by doctors. However only 3 out of 10 people could manage to hold blood pressure under acceptable range for more than 75% readings. Equally about 3 out of 10 patients had their blood pressure under control for less than 25% of readings.

It was found that the blood pressure control was directly related to risk of stroke. Patients showing better control on blood pressure had fewer stroke and patients who controlled the blood pressure poorly had more strokes. Similar trend was observed for relation between death rates due to heart disease and blood pressure.

Monitor your blood pressure at home

If high blood pressure cannot be controlled , it can damage artery walls all over the body. This harm can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Those who have lasted the first assault of heart attack or a stroke are at higher risk of having the same again and the best way to reduce the risk is to reduce the blood pressure.
In old days the only way to monitor the blood pressure was at doctor’s clinic. Hence even when people used to feel the symptoms of high blood pressure, they hardly used to take effort to go to the clinic and get blood pressure checked. 
Medical advances have now helped people to check blood pressure at home. Today you can purchase a blood pressure monitor as low as 1500 Indian Rupees for home use. Instead of visiting twice a year to the doctor and interpreting the two readings will not yield better control measure as measuring once a week or once every two weeks. Knowing your blood pressure numbers is a big step in managing high blood pressure.

Make Lifestyle changes

Making modifications in your lifestyle can benefit a lot to control the blood pressure and reduce it. The lifestyle changes can also help in averting stroke or a heart attack. It is certainly going to benefit us in some way or the other.
  • Reduce weight if necessary  - Contact dietitian in Mumbai
  • Exercise more — at least 30 minutes Monday to Friday. More is better.
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Add whole grains, and reduce highly refined food.
  • Reduce salt intake.
  • Add potassium rich food in your diet (if not you have kidney disorder). Coconut water is ideal refreshing drink.
  • Avoid or drink alcohol in moderate.
  • Avoid or quit smoking. 
  • Have Balanced Diet Plan

Supplements are needed

Many people need supplements to support their lifestyle changes to reduce blood pressure. There are a many proven options for supplementation to lower blood pressure such as
  • Omega 3 supplements are known to help in reducing the blood pressure.
  • Adding soluble fiber helps manage weight which ultimately manages the blood pressure.
  • Vitamin C supplements are known to fight the free radicals which when oxidized narrows the arteries.
  • If you have lost weight through GM Diet Plan and want to maintain it, you can add cholesterol free protein powder in your diet which can help in maintaining weight and muscles. 

How much should you lower blood pressure?

Until now, people depend a lot on the medications prescribed by doctors. Supplements are now finding a way in to the people life owing to the complications involved in the medication to control the blood pressure. Those with high blood pressure are advised to reduce blood pressure somewhere in between 140/90 to 150/90. More tight control may call for more mediation which has harmful side effects. 
High medication could make you feel lightheaded which could cause falls when getting out of bed or standing up. It is better to go with supplement further to reduce BP with salmon omega-3 supplements.
The new study and other documentary provide strong signal that to avoid stroke, maintaining blood pressure under 140/90 is important. Medical practitioner advice's their patients to achieve the BP readings of 140/90 more reducing in readings are possible with Omega -3 supplements.
If you have high blood pressure, target at least 75% of your BP readings under 140/90. Make sure that you don’t feel dizzy when you stand up. If more than 50% of your BP readings at over a time of 6 months continue to remain above 140/90, contact your doctor immediately.

How Symptoms of High Blood Pressure Affect Young Generation

Young people Should not miss out the Symptoms of HBP(Bigh Blood pressure) or Hypertension because it may leads to problems.

high blood Pressure symptoms

It is true that at young age you are most likely to miss symptoms of high blood pressure. Even a mild above normal pressure in young age may result in heart problems in later age. A 25 year long study on nearly 2,500 adults aged 18 to 30 was carried out to observe the blood pressure and its effects.

The study did involve checking the participant’s health closely several times during the time period including monitoring their blood pressure.

At the end of research, the participants had heart imaging tests. Some of the participants under the age of 30, in the study had mild above normal blood pressure  (120/80 to 139/89).

Medically this reading comes under pre-hypertension and not enough to be considered as hypertension or high blood pressure.

However the research concluded that even this above normal blood pressure was likely to cause heart related problems in the middle age, particularly problems hearts left ventricle.

How to doctors interpreted high blood pressure reading?

Many years ago, symptoms of high blood pressure (hypertension) used to appear for the patients whose blood pressure readings were 140/90 or higher. However doctors observed through multiple studies that even prolonged blood pressure higher than 120/80 are linked with increased risk of stroke and heart attack.

Doctors termed this stage as prehypertension where the blood pressure is between 140/90 and 120/80. 

The study concluded that prehypertension starts to impact heart function in the initial years period of adult life. These scientists studied at a huge group of adults between 18 to 30 years age. During the next quarter of century years, people with prehypertension found to  develop signs of heart related disease.
Most of participants did not have symptoms of high blood pressure though. However the heart irregularities were observed on echocardiograms.
What the study means to you?
Dietitian in Mumbai suggests checking your blood pressure regularly. No matter if you have 120.80 now. At least once a year till you become 30 and twice or thrice a year after 30s. No two years should go unchecked for blood pressure.
One need not to go to a doctor to check blood pressure. Many corporates run a health checkup drive where in you can check blood pressure. Some insurance companies such as Aegon Religare has one mandatory medical test in one year complementary for the insurer which included blood, ECG, sugar and other tests. This is a must grab opportunity. If you are not insured, don’t worry, many hospitals such as Apollo hospitals run public health drives and you can get your health records checked at such places.  You can also Ttake benefits from any free health checkup in your community.
Even if you are in your twenties and even a single blood pressure reading of yours is higher, you need to take it seriously and act to bring the readings down. It is quite common in young age to have lifestyle habits. 
By making lifestyle changes when you are young, you can cut the risks of increasing the blood pressure along with age. Remember symptoms of high blood pressure are difficult to identify and by taking steps earlier in life you can avert heart problems and stroke in later life.
Dietitian in Mumbai recommends strongly quitting smoking if you are smoking. Your Diet Chart, physical activities and exercise should make efforts to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Here is the list of things to follow to prevent HBP:

  • Get at least 30 minutes of moderate to heavy exercise 5 days a week
  • Stay physically active , avoid being idle for more than 30 minutes..
  • Go all-out to reduce weight and bring it under acceptable BMI range.
  • Go for water instead drinking sugary drinks.
  • Avoid / limit alcohol.
  • Almost 50 % of your meal should contain fruits and vegetables. Potatoes are not counted as vegetable for the previous statement.
  • 25% of your meal should contain healthy and lean protein and other 25% should contain whole-grain carbs.
  • Cut salt intake every day. Soon you will enjoy low salt food as you used to enjoy high salt food.

Future with Pre-hypertension
Some young adults with prehypertension could get benefited with salmon omega 3 and anti-oxidant supplements. Dietitian in Mumbai recommends you to generate your diet Kundali  to know the status of your vitamins and minerals in your diet. You can then find out how much you need to change your diet and add supplements.

How High Blood Pressure in middle age affect your Memory in Old Age

The current research and report gives another recap that tomorrow may not be as good as today when you have hysterical high blood pressure.In this post we'll find out how High Blood Pressure Symptoms affect your memory in later stage .

Case Study:

Researchers followed the health as well as mental activities of little more than 13,000 men and women between 45 to 64 years age, for more than two decades. The study comprise of around 3/4th white and 1/4th African-American. When the study started, the participants took checks on their thinking skills and memory between 1990 and 1992. The participants took the same tests after six years, and again third time between 2011 and 2013. A record was kept of their blood pressure and researchers also documented the medicines taken by participants, if any, to control the blood pressure.
Over the age there was a broad decline in memory and reasoning skills (collectively referred as cognitive function). However it was evident that loss of cognitive function was more attributable to people with relatively high blood pressure in middle age:
·    The deterioration in cognitive function among members with high blood pressure was 6.5% higher than members with normal blood pressure.

·  The loss of cognitive function among members with high blood pressure was more noticeable in whites as compared to African-Americans. On the other hand, since African-Americans had a greater death rate before the third set of checks, the scientists believe the result might have been different had the African-Americans could have survived.

·    Participants, who identified the symptoms of high blood pressure and took measures to control including supplements and medicines in their midlife, had relatively smaller loss of cognitive function as compared to the participants who left high blood pressure untreated.

     Click here to know more about High blood Pressure Symptoms.

·    Participants with normal blood pressure in midlife who in their late 60s, 70s, and 80s were diagnosed with high blood pressure had similar test scores as compared to participants who had normal blood pressure throughout the life.
This gives more confirmation that hypertension adds to loss of cognitive function (memory loss and difficulty in thinking) over the long term. The tests also show that the loss of cognitive function will be more as the person lives longer with high blood pressure.

Relation between memory and High blood pressure

The above study was first of its kind which monitored the cognitive function and blood pressure for 20 years. The main strength of this study is its duration.  However be remembered that the study conducted was only observational study. The study cannot show that the decline in cognitive function is caused by high blood pressure. On the other hand it certainly doesn’t show that in middle age, if you are treating high blood pressure is going to protects thinking skills and memory.
The study report functions as a reminder to watch symptoms of blood pressure and actual readings. Normal blood pressure is under 120/80. Many experts and dietitian differ on the opinion in when to start treating high blood pressure, how to treat marginal high BP and how much to lower the BP. However most agree that people under 60 with high BP should aim to reduce the reading under 140/90. Even so, patients age, general health and medication use shall be taken in to account before giving individual recommendations. The suitable aim for those with high blood pressure and way to reduce it is, a dialogue with your doctor. Remember blood pressure tomorrow may not be as controllable as it is today. Kal ho na ho.
Avoiding blood pressure from getting into the red mark is always a better solution than treating high blood pressure. Following lifestyle plans are exceptional ways to do this:
  •  If you are in 30s and 40s and have a family history of high blood pressure, it is always best to start a Salmon Omega 3 supplement which will help in longer term.
  • ·         Limit your salt intake. Avoid processed food which is common source of hidden salt in your diet.
  • ·         Reduce your weight to the healthy range
  • ·      Choose a heart-healthy diet with abundantly vegetables and fruits. Contact best dietitian at
  • ·         Remember, it’s not only the proteins and carbs that count in healthy diet. Vitamins and Minerals play an important role in managing the oxidative stress in your body. Generate vitamin and mineral status of the food you are eating at Diet Kundali.
  • ·         Exercise 30 minutes a day, at least five days in a week
  • ·         Limit the alcohol to  one drink a day for women and two for men in one day
  • ·         Quit smoking or use of tobacco products

The longer you are breathing with normal blood pressure, you are likely to have less memory and thinking problems when you grow older.